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Unmatched: Tales to Amaze

Unmatched: Tales to Amaze

Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze, which is themed around the pulp adventures, tall tales, and local legends of the mid-20th century, gives you a whole new way to play Unmatched. In the game, players work together to defeat one of two villains: Mothman or the Martian Invader. Each villain has a unique battlefield with unique objectives. If the villain completes their objective (or defeats the heroes), the players lose. The villains are aided by a number of possible minions: Jersey Devil, Ant Queen, Loveland Frog, The Blob, Tarantula, and Skunk Ape. The enemies use special action cards and a simple targeting scheme to control their movement and attacks.

RRP Price
Unmatched: Tales to AmazeUnmatched: Tales to Amaze £59.99 £53.99

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