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Between Two Cities: Capitals

Between Two Cities: Capitals

Now at the pinnacle of your career, you are sought after by two capital cities to build their city centers. Not only do you have to consider the natural features that were the reason for their founding, you also need to ensure the civic buildings are appropriately placed, and you must not forget to satisfy the citizens' demands along the way. Between Two Cities: Capitals expands the base game by adding several new challenges: landscapes, districts, and civic building tiles. This is not a standalone expansion; you need the original Between Two Cities game to play. In more detail: • Landscape mats give each city a unique layout to build on and around. • Districts give players a majority bonus for connecting specific types of tiles. • Civic building tiles are a new type of building tile; each unique civic building wants to be adjacent to two specific tile types (and not one specific tile type).

Not in stock in store. Please e-mail for availability before ordering.
RRP Price
Between Two Cities: CapitalsSTM505 £19.99 £17.99

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