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7 Wonders Duel

7 Wonders Duel

The game is solely for two players with the players not drafting card simultaneously from hands of cards but from a display of face-down and face-up cards arranged at the start of a round. A player can take a card only if its not covered by any others so timing comes into play as well as bonus moves that allow you to take a second card immediately. As in the original game each card that you acquire can be built discarded for three coins or used to construct a wonder. A player can win 7 Wonders: Duel in one of three ways. Each time that you acquire a military card, you advance the military marker toward your opponent's capital, giving you a bonus at certain positions. If you reach the opponent's capital, you win the game immediately. Similarly, if you acquire any six of seven different scientific symbols, you achieve scientific dominance and win immediately. If neither of these situations occurs, then the player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

RRP £24.99Price £22.49

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